Category / Cellmaflex Blogs
Gastroenteritis (Stomach Flu): Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention
Jane was excitedly waiting to attend her family gathering, however, hours before the event, she felt a sudden wave of nausea, diarrhoea and cramps. She felt mild pains at first, it became…
November 8, 2024 -
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): An Overview of IBS symptoms, causes and types.
For several years, Kimberly, has been suffering from constant stomach cramps and irregular bowel movement. She attributed this to stress of her job. However, when the symptoms started interfering with her daily…
October 29, 2024 -
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): causes, risk factors, and CKD stages explained.
Serena, a busy mother of two, had always thought of her fatigue and swollen ankles as just part of her hectic lifestyle. But when those symptoms stuck around, without any phone calls,…
October 22, 2024 -
UTI Uncovered: What You Need to Know About Symptoms, Stages and Risk Factors.
Working professional, Emily, at first brushed off the burning sensation she was experiencing while urinating as a mere dehydrated feeling. But days later, the discomfort began to mount on her and frequent…
October 15, 2024 -
Empowering Your Reproductive Health: A Guide to Contraception and Family Planning
Three years into their marriage, Dante and Vivian spent their anniversary day chatting excitedly over what the future held for them. Both had stable jobs, had wonderful families and they also wanted…
October 8, 2024 -
From Frustration to Hope: Understanding Infertility
Clary and Jace had always dreamed of starting a family. One year went by without being able to conceive, and the excitement started giving way to frustration with each passing month showing…
October 1, 2024 -
Coping with Stress-Related Disorders: Insights into PTSD, RAD, ASD, and More
In today’s fast-paced world, the stress-related disorders are increasingly becoming common. These disorders and conditions badly impact a person’s mental as well as physical health. This situation makes it essential to understand…
September 24, 2024 -
Balancing the Extremes: Bipolar Disorder Explained
Rachel had always been vibrant and creative. But over the years she found herself in an emotional tug-of-war swinging from extreme excitement to being consumed by sadness, fatigue and hopelessness. Without having…
September 16, 2024 -
Anxiety Disorder Explained: Symptoms, Types and Calming Techniques
Emma is a young professional with a lively personality and a strong sense of responsibility. However, in the past few weeks, she noted signs of almost debilitating fatigue and constant worry, even…
September 10, 2024 -
From Darkness to Light: Navigating Symptoms of Depression, Risk Factors and Types
Julian succeeded in both his personal and professional endeavours. At first everything went well; however, he began to feel a deep-rooted sorrow and lost touch with the hobbies he always cherished. Julian…
September 5, 2024